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Bundesamt für die Entsorgung radioaktiver Abfälle (BGE)

Digitale Plattform für E2E-Prozessplanung und -steuerung

The Challenge

The Federal Agency for Radioactive Waste Disposal (BGE) faced a significant challenge in efficiently managing their processes because of an increasing number of highly complex procedures. For years, BGE has been recording a continuously increasing application volume. Until now, the highly complex procedures of product control were handled analogously, and the exchange between various stakeholders involved in the process took place manually.

Since the nuclear legal framework obliges licensees to terminate the use of nuclear energy in an orderly manner and to qualify their waste for final disposal, a speedy handling of product control became highly relevant. Unfortunately, the lack of a unified digital platform made it difficult to coordinate activities, track progress, and ensure transparency throughout the entire end-to-end (E2E) process.

Key Benefits and Results after implementing Q-Portal

1. Enhanced Efficiency

The implementation of Q-Portal brought substantial efficiency improvements to the highly complex process of product controlling. With the centralized digital platform, all stakeholders involved can access real-time information and collaborate seamlessly. This streamlined approach significantly reduced the time and effort required for decision-making and execution.

2. Transparency and Process Reliability

Q-Portal ensured transparency at every stage of the nuclear waste management process. The stakeholders could monitor and track the progress of disposal activities, making it easier to identify and resolve any bottlenecks or delays. This level of transparency also improved overall process reliability, minimizing the risk of errors, and ensuring compliance with strict regulatory requirements.

3. Establishment of Industry-Specific API Architecture

To achieve consistent integration among all stakeholders, Q-Portal established an industry-specific API architecture. This enabled smooth data exchange between different systems and stakeholders, promoting seamless collaboration and data sharing. It eliminated information silos and facilitated a holistic approach to nuclear waste management.

4. Information Security Compliance

Recognizing the criticality of securing sensitive data, Q-Portal was designed to adhere to the guidelines of the Federal Cyber Security Authority (BSI) C5. By employing industry-standard methods, processes, and procedures, the platform ensured robust information security and data protection throughout the system.


Q-Portal has proven to be a transformative solution for the Federal Agency for Radioactive Waste Disposal. By enabling efficient E2E process planning and control, the platform has revolutionized the management of nuclear waste disposal in Germany. The successful implementation of Q-Portal has set the stage for the disposal of 10,000 cubic meters of radioactive waste annually, supporting ongoing application procedures and involving over 1,000 stakeholders from the entire German nuclear community. With more than 50 institutions actively participating as project stakeholders and system users, the platform’s reach and impact continue to grow. Q-Portal has also facilitated the migration of ongoing disposal processes to the digital realm, contributing to a safer and more sustainable nuclear waste management strategy for the nation.