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Shaping the Future
of Nuclear Power Plant Dismantling

Speed up approval processes. Ensure process safety. Connect stakeholders.

Built by experts, for experts.

Redefining the Nuclear Industry´s Waste Management Lifecycle

Simplify Dismantling & Waste Disposal Processes

Manage deconstruction and waste disposal data efficiently and ensure effortless compliance and increased safety.

  • Centralized database for comprehensive data storage and accessibility
  • Real-time tracking of waste container locations and status
  • Reminders and alerts for regulatory deadlines and requirements
  • Safety protocols and checklists for hazard prevention and mitigation
  • Automated generation and compilation of relevant documentation

Nuclear Inspection – data-driven, reliable & secure

Get comprehensive data management and reporting, automated alerts, enhanced collaboration, and safeguards to conduct more efficient and accurate inspections and assessments.

  • Access to all relevant information on nuclear power plants and waste storage sites
  • Integration of inspection data in real time for up-to-date assessments
  • Secure data exchange with regulatory authorities and power plants
  • Comprehensive data management through centralized database for easy storage and accessibility of inspection data, reports and documents
  • Automated alerts with immediate notifications of non-compliances and urgent events for rapid response

Seamless Waste Management with comprehensive Monitoring

Enable seamless monitoring, enforcement, and control of waste management practices and regulatory standards with comprehensive data management and reporting tools.

  • Automated compliance reporting and irregularity alerts
  • Management of approvals and regulatory processes
  • Data validation and quality control to ensure accuracy and reliability
  • Document management for inspection reports and findings
  • Centralized platform for regulatory submissions and tracking

Optimization of Dismantling and Disposal Processes

Q-Portal enables efficient planning and execution of nuclear power plant dismantling. Create detailed schedules and task management to streamline operations and minimize bottleneck.

Faster and improved Approval Procedures and Processes

More transparency and faster workflows through the digitization of approval processes. More procedures in less time, simple processing, and resource savings.

Transparent Tracking of Nuclear Waste

The software enables seamless documentation and tracking of nuclear waste throughout the disposal process.The barcode and RFID tracking system allows you to record and monitor the location and movement of waste in real time.

Efficient Communication and Collaboration

Q-Portal promotes seamless communication and collaboration between the parties involved, including nuclear power plant operators, regulators and waste management companies. Our central communication tool, allows users to share important information, ask questions and collaborate.

Sustainability and Environmental Compatibility

Q-Portal supports compliance with environmental standards and enables environmentally sound disposal of radioactive waste. Use the integrated environmental management module to collect, monitor and analyze data to minimize environmental impact and make sustainable decisions.

Improved Security and Risk Management

With Q-Portal, users can identify and proactively address potential security risks. Use the integrated risk analysis, which makes it possible to identify potential sources of danger and take appropriate measures to ensure safety.

Want to learn more?

The application areas of q-portal

Products developed with and trusted by our customers

Dismantling of nuclear power plants & digitalization of nuclear waste disposal processes – coordination between waste producers, authorities and inspection organizations.

Capital project execution & quality assurance covering asset lifecycle from planning stage to monitoring of recurring inspections and maintenance.

Assure test, inspection/audit &certification (TIC) results for construction projects and supply chain transparency.

case study

Optimizing Nuclear Waste Disposal Processes

Explore how Q-Portal improves efficiency and saves costs!

You are in good company

Whether corporate or medium-sized.
Our products have been used across industries for many years.

Testimonial 1

Chief Safety Engineer

Global leading company in the field of thermal power and environmental technologies

“I have been in the nuclear industry for over two decades, and finding a reliable software has always been a challenge. However, since implementing Q-Portal, our processes have become more streamlined and efficient. The software’s advanced data management and analysis capabilities have transformed how we handle nuclear waste.”

Testimonial 2

Head of Inspection, Projects and QA

Global group of energy and petrochemical companies

“For us, ensuring adherence to strict nuclear waste disposal guidelines is of high importance. When I came across Q-Portal, I was impressed by its comprehensive tracking and reporting features. The software provides real-time insights, allowing us to monitor waste disposal activities accurately. It has not only simplified our compliance processes but also improved our reporting accuracy.”

Testimonial 3

Head of Project Management

International energy company

“We were looking for a long time for a solution that adds value to our customers and simplifies our employees’ work. Q-Portal meets both requirements while benefiting from the expertise of a team that continuously evolves the product. The team’s market knowledge and experience allow them to understand and address the challenges faced by businesses. With Q-Portal, we have not only found a platform but also a dedicated team that consistently delivers outstanding results.”